Now, I know you may be thinking, "Whos is this girl? Why does she say shes a god? Why am I talking to myself?" Well to answer your questions, i am a girl, that is all you need to know. I do not think I am a God for if I was, I would be able to tell you what is exactly wrong with you that you ask questions to your computer. No, I do not think I am a God, at least not in reality. But one thing I love to do is write. And when I hold a pencil, or when I type, I am a God. I control all characters and I determine their lives, fates, and whether I should just kill them all off. I usually don't kill them off, unless they're a bitch or a bastard, then I will just because I can. I am ruler of my own imagination. Which you probably think is stupid cause, hey, we all control our own minds. But just think, there are people abroad who can't think for themselves. Women who can't say what she wants to say or do what she wants to do. If she wants to read, she would have to do it in the dead of night, while all the men are asleep, in the middle of the wilderness, because she is afraid that someone from her village might see and throw rocks at her for reading Twilight. I love the book, but not something to die over. Anyway, what I am trying to say here is, that I love writing, and in my stories, I can be anyone, go anywhere, and it's a whole lot cheaper. I really am a God. And before you make fun of me, remember what I said, not a lot of people have the freedom of speech or freedom to read. Some people have to obey other people or else get burned. I really am glad I live here in the United States, because if I lived anywhere else, I would have died a long time ago. So this is my first post. I might sometimes, when I don't have topics to type about, I will type up stories. Tell me what you think, whether you like them or hate them, it's up to you. Well thank you for your time and I promise, I'm not as depressing as I sound. I'm just being hones.
So, mercibeaucoup and I hope you like my short stories in the future
bon voyage
Your pictures and icons are very funny; they make me laugh, which is the best gift anyone can give to someone else...